


2023年1月9日 世界杯官方app下载(世界杯官方app)今天公布了圣佩德罗一号, 一个世界级的设施,将迎来高科技教育的新时代, 德州的研究和创新. 位于桃乐沙街506号. 沿着圣安东尼奥市中心重新焕发活力的圣佩德罗溪(San Pedro Creek), 91美元.8 million facility will house the university’s National Security Collaboration Center 和 new School of Data Science, 推动城市核心的经济发展,为圣安东尼奥人创造繁荣.

圣佩德罗1号是世界杯官方app阶段的第一个项目, 10-year approach to accelerating the development of its Downtown Campus as a destination for producing highly skilled professionals in data science, 数据分析和国家安全. 该设施提供的扩大容量将进一步定位utsa -西班牙裔服务, Tier One research university—to serve San Antonio’s growing population 和 support the city’s future development.

“我非常感谢格雷厄姆·韦斯顿, UT系统, 校董会, 和 our City of San Antonio 和 Bexar County partners for their shared belief in our vision to drive workforce development, 圣安东尼奥和德州的经济发展和知识创造,世界杯官方app主席说 泰勒Eighmy. “We intentionally developed San Pedro I to sit in the heart of downtown San Antonio where it will attract unique government-university-industry partnerships in the fields of data science, 网络安全和国家安全. 这对世界杯官方app、我们的地区和我们的州来说都是重要的一天.”

“圣佩德罗一号是世界杯官方app之间存在的伟大合作的有力证明, 圣安东尼奥市和贝尔县.”

世界杯官方app数据科学学院是美国唯一的数据科学学院.S. 在西班牙裔服务机构工作. This distinction will enable the university to help diversify the nation’s current generation of data science professionals, 这群人将在未来几十年塑造新兴的数据科学产业. 根据 《世界杯官方app》 还有其他研究, 不到10%的数据科学专业人士是有色人种,3%是有色人种女性. 在世界杯官方app, 56%的硕士生是女性,64%是有色人种.

“The San Pedro I facility will provide new opportunities to align our academic offerings across disciplines to meet 和 advance the needs of our San Antonio workforce, 同时培养学生在我们城市的高科技工作中脱颖而出,” 金伯利·安德鲁斯·埃斯比他是世界杯官方app教务长兼学术事务高级副校长. “通过与当地行业合作伙伴的合作, our students will gain valuable learning experiences 和 master the skills to take them from Classroom to Career. The School of Data Science 和 National Security Collaboration Center will provide unparalleled opportunities that cannot be found anywhere else in the country to San Antonians who dream of pursuing careers in high-tech industries.”

新学校由创始董事领导 大卫Mongeau, will provide data-intensive academic 和 research programs to inspire 和 prepare a generation of diverse data scientists who can make the world more equitable, 知情且安全. 它最初将提供五个一流的硕士学位课程:人工智能, 计算机科学(数据集中), 数据分析, 统计与数据科学, 以及应用统计学. 学校还将举办几个训练营, 证书, seminars 和 workshops to help emerging 和 advanced professionals exp和 their technology skills 和 grow in their careers.

San Pedro I’s downtown location will enable 世界杯官方app to address San Antonio’s immediate workforce needs by connecting 世界杯官方app students to h和s-on learning opportunities. These practical learning experiences will enable graduates to apply their classroom knowledge in a real-world setting, 使他们在就业市场上具有竞争优势. 同时, pairing students with local employers gives hiring managers a first look at the talent that 世界杯官方app is producing.

“圣佩德罗一号是世界杯官方app之间存在的伟大合作的有力证明, 圣安东尼奥市和贝尔县,” 维罗妮卡萨拉查他是世界杯官方app商业事务高级副总裁兼首席财务官. “This state-of-the-art facility serves as a catalyst for advancing educational 和 career opportunities for 世界杯官方app students 和 also for transforming the core of downtown San Antonio’s tech corridor with new partnerships 和 prospects.”

国家安全合作中心, 德州最大的政府中心, 国家安全领域的大学和行业合作伙伴, 推进法医学的研究和创新, 可视化, 网络安全, 数据分析, post-quantum密码学, 攻击和威胁建模和缓解, 机器学习和人工智能, 和软件, 硬件和平台完整性. 其他合作领域包括培训和演习评估, 为学生和更广泛的军事社区提供劳动力发展和教育机会. U.S. 空军准将(退役.) 人米. 沃尔什 担任该中心的执行主任.

Several prominent industry leaders have joined the NSCC’s collaborative ecosystem of 89 partners including Peraton, CACI国际公司, CNF技术, CPS能源, 戴尔的技术, Leidos, 微软联邦公司和MITRE公司. 另外, 世界杯官方app与空军研究实验室建立了联邦伙伴关系协议, U.S. 网络司令部, the Air Education 和 Training Comm和 和 the Air Combatant Comm和’s 16th Air Force (the merged 24th 和 25th Air Forces, 哪家专门从事网络空间作战和军事情报, 分别). 为了进一步加强生态系统,美国政府将采取措施.S. 能源部的爱达荷国家实验室, 国家可再生能源实验室, 橡树岭国家实验室, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory 和 S和ia National Laboratories have already executed NSCC partnership agreements with 世界杯官方app.

“The opening of this new facility is the next important step in 世界杯官方app’s emergence as a global leader in education 和 research in critical fields key to maintaining 德州’ 和 our nation’s global economic 和 technological leadership,” 詹姆斯B. 米利肯他是德克萨斯大学系统的校长. “这是高等教育之间的成功合作, 政府和行业对于满足本州不断增长的劳动力需求至关重要, 特别是在网络安全和IT等领域.”

San Pedro I was financed by $70 million in Permanent University Funds approved by The University of 德州 System Board of Regents, 这是一位长期的世界杯官方app慈善家捐赠的1500万美元 格雷厄姆·韦斯顿 还有五百万的大学基金.

世界杯官方app’s commitment to bring many thous和s of new Roadrunners to the heart of downtown San Antonio is something to be celebrated by our entire community,韦斯顿说. “The promise 和 potential of the School of Data Science is that our city’s best 和 brightest young men 和 women can grow into the most competitive hires in the fields that will shape the future of our economy, 和 great companies waging the global battle for tech talent will know that the road to victory goes through San Antonio, 德州.”

Lt. 创. Mary O ' brien 目前担任联合参谋部主任, 控制, 通信, 以及华盛顿五角大楼的计算机/网络(J6), D.C.

世界杯官方app创造了, 到圣佩德罗一世, 这是一个前所未有的机遇, academia 和 government equities together for adopting emerging technologies 和 the development of our future workforce,奥勃良说, 前第25空军指挥官. “I look forward to continued collaboration 和 congratulate them in this new era of learning.”

San Pedro I is the first of two downtown facilities that will anchor 世界杯官方app to San Antonio’s prospering high-tech corridor. 这所大学也在为新的161美元计划阶段.200万创新, 创业和职业(IEC)大楼, 被称为圣佩德罗二世, 在小溪的另一边. 在一起, 这两栋建筑将扩大世界杯官方app在创新方面的努力, 创业和职业参与式学习.


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世界杯官方app下载 is dedicated to the advancement of knowledge through research 和 discovery, 教与学, 社区参与和公共服务. 作为一个追求卓越的机构, 世界杯官方app embraces multicultural traditions 和 serves as a center for intellectual 和 creative resources as well as a catalyst for socioeconomic development 和 the commercialization of intellectual property - for 德州, 国家和世界.


成为一流的公立研究型大学, 提供获得卓越教育的机会,为全球环境培养公民领袖.


我们鼓励对话和发现的环境, 在完整性, 卓越, 包容, 尊重, 鼓励协作和创新.


世界杯官方app是一个骄傲 西班牙裔服务机构 (HSI)由美国指定.S. 教育部 .


世界杯官方app下载, a 西班牙裔服务机构 situated in a global city that has been a crossroads of peoples 和 cultures for centuries, 重视大学生活各方面的多样性和包容性. As an institution expressly founded to advance the education of Mexican Americans 和 other underserved communities, 我们的大学致力于促进所有人的机会. 世界杯官方app, 一所一流的公立研究型大学, 通过对话社区促进学术卓越, 发现和创新,拥抱每一个声音的独特性.